2,032 research outputs found

    Quadra v. Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco: A Challenge to the Composition of the San Francisco Grand Jury

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    Quadra v. Superior Court involves a challenge to the procedures used in the selection of San Francisco\u27s investigative grand jury. The Hastings Law Journal has reprinted plaintiffs\u27 memoranda, which argue that such procedures should be governed by the standards applicable to indicting grand juries

    On the informational content of wage offers

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    This article investigates signaling and screening roles of wage offers in a single-play matching model with two-sided unobservable characteristics. It generates the following predictions as matching equilibrium outcomes: (i) “good” jobs offer premia if “high-quality” worker population is large; (ii) “bad” jobs pay compensating differentials if the proportion of “good” jobs to “low-quality” workers is large; (iii) all firms may offer a pooling wage in markets dominated by “high-quality” workers and firms; or (iv) Gresham’s Law prevails: “good” types withdraw if “bad” types dominate the population. The screening/signaling motive thus has the potential of explaining a variety of wage patterns

    Physician-estimated disease severity in patients with chronic heart or lung disease: a cross-sectional analysis

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    BACKGROUND: We evaluated how well physicians' global estimates of disease severity correspond to more specific physician-rated disease variables as well as patients' self-rated health and other patient variables. METHODS: We analyzed baseline data from 1662 primary care patients with chronic cardiac or pulmonary disease who were enrolled in a longitudinal study of health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Each patient's primary physician rated overall disease severity, estimated the two-year risk of hospitalization and mortality, and reported the use of disease-specific medications, tests, and subspecialty referrals. Patient variables included sociodemographic characteristics, psychosocial factors, self-rated health, and both generic and disease-specific HRQoL. RESULTS: Physicians rated 40% of their patients "about average", 30% "worse", and 30% "better" than the typical patient seen with the specific target disorder. The physician's global estimate of disease severity was strongly associated (P < 0.001) with each of the five more specific elements of physician-rated disease severity, but only marginally associated with patient self-rated health. Multivariable regression identified a set of patient variables that explained 16.4% of the variance in physician-rated disease severity. CONCLUSION: Physicians' global ratings may provide disease severity and prognostic information unique from and complementary to patient self-rated health and HRQoL measures. The elements influencing physician-rated disease severity and its predictive validity for clinical outcomes warrant prospective investigation

    Adverse outcomes and correlates of change in the Short Physical Performance Battery over 36 months in the African American health project

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    BACKGROUND: The Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) is a well-established measure of lower body physical functioning in older persons but has not been adequately examined in African Americans or younger persons. Moreover, factors associated with changes in SPPB over time have not been reported. METHODS: A representative sample of 998 African Americans (49-65 years old at baseline) living in St. Louis, Missouri were followed for 36 months to examine the predictive validity of SPPB in this population and identify factors associated with changes in SPPB. SPPB was calibrated to this population, ranged from 0 (worst) to 12 (best), and required imputation for about 50% of scores. Adverse outcomes of baseline SPPB included death, nursing home placement, hospitalization, physician visits, incident basic and instrumental activity of daily living disabilities, and functional limitations. Changes in SPPB over 36 months were modeled. RESULTS: Adjusted for appropriate covariates, weighted appropriately, and using propensity scores to address potential selection bias, baseline SPPB scores were associated with all adverse outcomes except physician visits, and were marginally associated with hospitalization. Declines in SPPB scores were associated with low falls efficacy (b = -1.311), perceived income adequacy (-0.121), older age (-0.073 per year), poor vision (-0.754), diabetes mellitus (-0.565), refusal to report household income (1.48), ever had Medicaid insurance (-0.610), obesity (-0.437), hospitalization in the prior year (-0.521), and kidney disease (-.956). CONCLUSIONS: The effect of baseline SPPB on adverse outcomes in this late middle-age African American population confirms reports involving older, primarily white participants. Alleviating deterioration in lower body physical functioning guided by the associated covariates may avoid or delay multiple age-associated adverse outcomes

    Preservation of tetherin and CD4 counter-activities in circulating Vpu alleles despite extensive sequence variation within HIV-1 infected individuals.

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    The HIV-1 Vpu protein is expressed from a bi-cistronic message late in the viral life cycle. It functions during viral assembly to maximise infectious virus release by targeting CD4 for proteosomal degradation and counteracting the antiviral protein tetherin (BST2/CD317). Single genome analysis of vpu repertoires throughout infection in 14 individuals infected with HIV-1 clade B revealed extensive amino acid diversity of the Vpu protein. For the most part, this variation in Vpu increases over the course of infection and is associated with predicted epitopes of the individual's MHC class I haplotype, suggesting CD8+ T cell pressure is the major driver of Vpu sequence diversity within the host. Despite this variability, the Vpu functions of targeting CD4 and counteracting both physical virus restriction and NF-ÎşB activation by tetherin are rigorously maintained throughout HIV-1 infection. Only a minority of circulating alleles bear lesions in either of these activities at any given time, suggesting functional Vpu mutants are heavily selected against even at later stages of infection. Comparison of Vpu proteins defective for one or several functions reveals novel determinants of CD4 downregulation, counteraction of tetherin restriction, and inhibition of NF-ÎşB signalling. These data affirm the importance of Vpu functions for in vivo persistence of HIV-1 within infected individuals, not simply for transmission, and highlight its potential as a target for antiviral therapy

    Vuvuzela: scalable private messaging resistant to traffic analysis

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    Private messaging over the Internet has proven challenging to implement, because even if message data is encrypted, it is difficult to hide metadata about who is communicating in the face of traffic analysis. Systems that offer strong privacy guarantees, such as Dissent [36], scale to only several thousand clients, because they use techniques with superlinear cost in the number of clients (e.g., each client broadcasts their message to all other clients). On the other hand, scalable systems, such as Tor, do not protect against traffic analysis, making them ineffective in an era of pervasive network monitoring. Vuvuzela is a new scalable messaging system that offers strong privacy guarantees, hiding both message data and metadata. Vuvuzela is secure against adversaries that observe and tamper with all network traffic, and that control all nodes except for one server. Vuvuzela's key insight is to minimize the number of variables observable by an attacker, and to use differential privacy techniques to add noise to all observable variables in a way that provably hides information about which users are communicating. Vuvuzela has a linear cost in the number of clients, and experiments show that it can achieve a throughput of 68,000 messages per second for 1 million users with a 37-second end-to-end latency on commodity servers.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CNS-1053143)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CNS-1413920
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